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Tuesday, September 17

6:00pm CDT

Collaborating with Parents Using ABA and DIR Methodology - Poster 38
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
This poster looks at the parent-professional journey from the point of view of a parent of a young child with Autism with significant delays. Parents felt strongly about using dual methodology in spite of resistance from some professionals. Building a strong collaborative relationship between parents and professionals has led to a positive future for this youngster.
avatar for Michele Havens

Michele Havens

educational consultant and BCBA, CCDS, LLC
I am both a BCBA and a DIR-certified practitioner, who believes in collaboration across disciplines and methodologies.
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

6:00pm CDT

Creating “Just” Early Experiences for young Black Children - Poster 14
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Despite the proven benefits of ECE, Black children experience differential access to and participation in ECE. This poster session will conceptualize a system that employs an abolitionist framework to reap the benefits of ECE for young Black children to realize their full potential. Attendees will learn how to employ abolitionist principles to transform these experiences.

Pricella Morris

Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Monica Brown

Professor of Special Education, UNLV
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

6:00pm CDT

Mindfulness Use to Improve Adult-Child interactions and Support Children - Poster 17
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Research indicates that adult-child interactions are central to self-regulation (SR) and dysregulation development in early childhood (EC). Mindfulness based practices (MBPs) have demonstrated potential to significantly improve adult-child interactions, and SR outcomes for children. Attendees will view findings of a recent MBP study and be invited to discuss MBP use in EC.
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

6:00pm CDT

Coaching Paraprofessionals to Increase Communication Skills of Preschoolers - Poster 4
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
This poster will discuss a study on the effectiveness of early childhood special educators implementing coaching practices to support paraprofessionals in using evidence-based communication-promoting practices with young children with communication delays in inclusive preschool classrooms. Study design, findings, and implications will be discussed.
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

6:00pm CDT

Fusion for Inclusion: Blending Universal Design for Learning & Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies in Early Literacy Poster 10
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Early childhood literacy skills predict the future success students have in their postsecondary lives. These early classroom experiences with literature lead to better opportunities in higher education, job retention, and beyond. However, the emergent literacy curriculum is not always representative of the culturally and linguistically diverse population that makes up the class rooms. This scoping review looks at the current literature around culturally responsive and sustaining literacy lessons in early childhood education and whether or not they include manners of Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Pedagogies and Universal Design for Learning in their investigations. By investigating the study design, methodology, overarching themes, and cultural sensitivity across these studies, researchers found there is a need to promote representation and diversity in emergent literacy in early childhood education.
avatar for Melody Mann

Melody Mann

Special Education Doctoral Student, University of Maryland, College Park
Melody Mann is a second year PhD Special Education student working under the mentorship of Dr. Veronica Kang. Melody has completed her BA Child & Adolescent Development / Minor Early Childhood Special Education from San José State University as a McNair Scholar, her MS Special Education... Read More →
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

6:00pm CDT

Head Start Early Educators' Perceptions of Bilingualism for Preschoolers - Poster 35
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
In this qualitative study, 19 participants engaged in one semi-structured interview. Thematic analysis (Braun & Clark, 2021) was conducted on participant responses. Findings show how educators define bilingualism, perceive bilingualism for children without and with disabilities, and to what extent their perceptions contribute to the recommendations they provide families.

Gregory Cheatham

higher ed faculty, University of Kansas
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

6:00pm CDT

Scarcity, Disparity and Exclusion in ECE in Allegheny County - Poster 32
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
A structural examination of one county’s ECE system using ecological scan methodology found interconnected barriers that lead to inequities in the ways children and families (a) access, (b) receive supports, and (c) are excluded from ECE programs. Racial and disability disparities shifted the burden of ECE infrastructure gaps onto historically marginalized populations.

Amanda Cross

Director of Research and Evaluation, University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

6:00pm CDT

Supporting ECE Teacher Candidates’ Competence in Assistive Technology - Poster 37
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
This poster session presents the findings of a study that explored the impact of embedded Assistive Technology instruction on preparing early childhood teacher candidates to support children with disabilities. Results from a pre-and-post-survey study across 16 participants indicate improved AT competence. Directions for future research and practice are presented.
avatar for Kwangwon Lee

Kwangwon Lee

Associate Professor, Eastern Connecticut State University

Juliana Fabrizi

Student, Eastern Connecticut State University
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

6:00pm CDT

Teacher Views of Inclusion for Autistic Students: A Literature Review - Poster 9
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
This poster will provide a literature review looking at how early childhood educators view inclusive practices for Autistic students and will connect these attitudes towards a larger framework of disability.
Tuesday September 17, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

7:00pm CDT

The Role of the School Psychologist in Inclusive Preschool Environments - Poster 1
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
School psychologists are uniquely qualified to support early childhood mental health and development, yet are often underutilized in early childhood settings. A comparative analysis of NASP, NAEYC, and DEC’s professional standards will clarify the role of the school psychologist and guide creation of a framework for effective teaming in inclusive settings.
avatar for Emily Holden

Emily Holden

PhD Student, UC Denver
I am a former preschool teacher, current school psychologist, and second year PhD student at the University of Colorado at Denver. My research interests are around early childhood mental health, the role of mental health providers in early childhood spaces, and trauma/stress-informed... Read More →
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

7:00pm CDT

Building Belonging Through Collaborative Strategic Planning - Poster 21
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Presenters will share how they have assembled a strategic planning framework to support school
districts throughout South Carolina in building their capacity to increase inclusive opportunities for
preschool children. This poster will focus on the steps of this framework, including laying the
groundwork, building collaborative teams, and the strategic planning process.
avatar for Melissa Griffin

Melissa Griffin

Technical Assistance Coordinator, South Carolina Partnerships for Inclusion at the University of South Carolina
Melissa Griffin serves as the Technical Assistance Coordinator with SCPI. In this role, she facilitates the implementation of a tiered framework of supports for early childhood specialists and coordinates service delivery for districts working with SCPI to improve early childhood... Read More →
avatar for Kerri Kannengieser

Kerri Kannengieser

Program Director, South Carolina Partnerships for Inclusion
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl
  Professional Development

7:00pm CDT

Learn, Practice, and Apply Inclusive STEM: A Pilot Study - Poster 36
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
The session will share findings from a pilot study with ten Head Start teachers in Maryland focusing on increasing their confidence and competence in implementing inclusive STEM practices. Limitations and future directions will also be discussed.
avatar for Chih-Ing Lim

Chih-Ing Lim

Senior Technical Assistance Specialist, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
Chih-Ing Lim, Ph.D., is currently Senior Technical Assistance Specialist at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Chih-Ing is the Co-Chair of the International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute and serves as... Read More →
avatar for Hsiu-Wen Yang

Hsiu-Wen Yang

Researcher, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
avatar for Megan Vinh

Megan Vinh

Co-Director, ECTA and STEMIE Centers
avatar for Susan Sonnenschein

Susan Sonnenschein

University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Susan Sonnenschein is a Developmental and Educational Psychologist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.  Her research focuses on ways to promote the academic success of children from different demographic backgrounds.
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl
  Professional Development

7:00pm CDT

Using Augmented Reality to Teach Life Skills for Preschoolers with IDD - Poster 24
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Research using Augmented Reality (AR) tools to teach life skills to individuals with intellectual disabilities has shown to help skill acquisition and generalization of skills. This poster presentation reviews information from an integrated literature review that investigates the use of AR tools when teaching preschoolers with intellectual disabilities daily living skills.
avatar for Phyllis James

Phyllis James

Educational Diagnostician/Student, Denton Independent School District/Texas Woman's University
Phyllis has worked in education for 15 years and currently works as an Educational Diagnostician for a independent school district in Texas.  She attends Texas Woman's University and is working on doctorate in special education with a focus on early childhood.  
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl
  Professional Development

7:00pm CDT

A Review of Caregiver-Mediated Intervention Improving Emotional Regulation - Poster 9
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
The purpose of the study is to systematically review literature focusing on caregiver-mediated interventions targeting emotional regulation in young children with ASD. Out of an initial sampling of 4,781 studies, 17 were eligible for review. The results showed that caregiver-mediated interventions positively affected emotional recognition skills in young children with ASD.

Yi Zhang

Graduate Assistant, Early Learning Center

Jun Ai

Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

7:00pm CDT

Comparing U.S. and Türkiye Preschool Teachers' Beliefs about Math Books - Poster 38
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
In this poster, we describe our study on preschool teachers’ beliefs and practices related to choosing and using math picture books in their classrooms. We conducted this study in two countries, the United States and Türkiye. In our analysis, we highlight similarities and differences in how teachers in the two countries use math picture books.
avatar for Jessica Hardy

Jessica Hardy

Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Fatmanur Önder

Grad Student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

7:00pm CDT

Culturally Responsive Parent Education and Empowerment to Improve Play! - Poster 4
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
This parent-implemented intervention empowers parents to facilitate their child's engagement in hands-on constructive play. Research design is single-subject multiple-baseline across four parent-child participants. Results demonstrate a functional relation between the parent-implemented intervention and the children’s engagement in constructive play in the home environment
avatar for Michelle Thompson

Michelle Thompson

Assistant Professor, Old Dominion University
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

7:00pm CDT

Disability, Diversity, and Representation in Preschool Reading Curricula - Poster 35
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
In this session, we will discuss results from an analysis of representation in the books included in commonly used preschool reading curricula. We will highlight the critical need for increased representation of characters with disabilities and suggest strategies to promote the use of inclusive literature.
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

7:00pm CDT

Exploring Classroom Practices in Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Programs - Poster 31
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
In this poster presentation, participants will discover current support and culturally responsive practices for children with disabilities of migrant and seasonal farmworkers. Additionally, they will have the chance to exchange insights on ways to support language and literacy development of these children and increase access to quality education and services.
avatar for Serra Acar

Serra Acar

Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Dr. Acar is an associate professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her research includes culturally and linguistically responsive assessment practices in early intervention/early childhood special education.
avatar for Hsiu-Wen Yang

Hsiu-Wen Yang

Researcher, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
avatar for Sarah Pedonti

Sarah Pedonti

Assistant Professor, Western Carolina University Birth-Kindergarten Education Program
Sarah F. Pedonti, Ph.D. is an assistant professor in Birth-Kindergarten Education at Western Carolina University. She teaches a range of courses that focus on inclusive methods and environments for diverse children with or at risk for disabilities. Her latest work focuses on how outdoor... Read More →

Ching-I Chen

Associate Professor, Kent State University
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

7:00pm CDT

Exploring Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Content in Preparation Programs - Poster 17
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Overall, early childhood and early childhood special educators consistently report they are not prepared to teach social emotional skills and address challenging behaviors. This poster describes the similarities and differences in the training for pre-service teachers across various groups (i.e., alternate route/traditional route to licensure, EC/ECSE, date of program).
avatar for Melissa Yarczower

Melissa Yarczower

Visting Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Hello! My name is Melissa Yarczower and I am currently a visiting assistant professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. I teach both undergraduate and graduate coursework in EC/ECSE, mentor students, supervise fieldwork, and collaborate on curriculum development and program... Read More →
avatar for Jenna Weglarz-Ward

Jenna Weglarz-Ward

Associate Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Proud DEC member and so excited to be back in person this year at conference!! A mom and former practitioner, my work now focuses on personnel preparation in family partnership and transdisciplinary collaboration to promote inclusion. I specifically focus on services for infants and... Read More →
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

7:00pm CDT

Indian Parents’ Perceptions About Inclusive Education: Mixed Methods Study - Poster 12
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Inclusive, quality early childhood education for children with disabilities is still a distant reality in India. In this study, we conducted a sequential mixed methods study to examine the perceptions of parents of children with autism about their children’s education in India. The results highlight the urgent need for teacher training.

Ankita Bhattashali

Education Specialist, Utah State University

Gregory Cheatham

higher ed faculty, University of Kansas

Jun Ai

Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

7:00pm CDT

Readiness to Implement SEL Within and Across Preschools and Communities - Poster 10
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
In this session, we will share the results of a large-scale, multilevel study that examines systemic factors that impact teachers’ and directors’ readiness to successfully implement and take full advantage of social-emotional programming for young children.

Ekta Ghosh

Department Support Specialist, Ph.D student, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Denver
avatar for Rashida Banerjee

Rashida Banerjee

Professor, University of Denver
Tuesday September 17, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl
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