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Wednesday, September 18

11:00am CDT

Join Us for More: Common Sense Assistive Technology Made Simple
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
The future of AT depends on the knowledge and skills practitioners and families have in developing, accessing, and using such items. Based on feedback from the previous session, practitioners want MORE! This session provides multiple opportunities to brush up on and learn new low tech skills for developing items that can be used in natural environments across every day.
avatar for Sarah Hawkins-Lear

Sarah Hawkins-Lear

Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky

Julie Rutland

Associate Professor, Eastern Kentucky University
avatar for Amanda Duncan

Amanda Duncan

BCBA, Research Assistant, Doctoral Candidate, University of Kentucky
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 16 - 1st fl

11:00am CDT

Front Room People: Family Experiences with Culturally Unresponsive EI
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
This session shares the experiences of families with marginalized identities in EI in their own words to help provide real world context for Bradshaw’s Framework for Culturally Responsive Early Intervention. Family’s suggestions for how EI providers can better meet client’s cultural needs are included.
avatar for Megan Schumaker Murphy

Megan Schumaker Murphy

Assistant Professor, Salem State University
Dr. Megan Schumaker-Murphy is an assistant professor in the McKeown School of Education at Salem State University. Her research interests include early intervention service provision and culturally responsive teaching.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Kabacoff - Riverside Bldg.

11:00am CDT

Family Voices Matter: Innovation in Collection of Family Outcomes Data
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
This session will provide information about one state’s efforts to enhance their understanding of families’ early intervention experiences. Participants can expect to learn about an innovative approach to collecting family outcomes information that has resulted in increased responsiveness and more diverse representation.
avatar for Keena Sims

Keena Sims

Project Manager, EITP at the University of Illinois
avatar for Susan Connor

Susan Connor

Director, EITP at the University of Illinois
avatar for Chelsea Guillen

Chelsea Guillen

EI Ombudsman, EITP at University of IL
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 10 - 1st fl

11:00am CDT

Preparing Teachers for the Literacy Trifecta: Research, Policy, & Practice
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
The University of North Carolina System legislated policy to ensure equitable evidence-based practices in early literacy are embedded in teacher preparation programs across the state. This presentation discusses how policy implementation at an urban university drives research and practice to improve reading outcomes for young children at risk for and with disabilities.

Gretchen Robinson

Spangler Distinguished Professor of Early Literacy, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Starboard/Port - Riverside Bldg

11:00am CDT

The Bridge to Civility 2.0: Continuing the Conversation
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Our work is based on grounded theory. We continue to observe many examples of disrespect as the norm of behavior. We need to shift direction from disrespect to civility. Through guiding questions, discussions, and experiences of the participants, we will expand our model. The intent is to expand the civility model frame through participants’ perspectives.
avatar for Suzanne Martin

Suzanne Martin

Professor emerita, University of Central Florida
Recently retired and getting back to my roots in early childhood.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl

11:00am CDT

Prevent Marginalization and Promote Resilience in Trauma-Informed Care
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Trauma-informed care can create a safe and supportive environment for young children who have experienced trauma and their families. However, if not approached carefully, children and their families could be further marginalized. This presentation discusses practical strategies to prevent marginalization and promote resilience in trauma-informed care.

Zhe An

Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
avatar for songtian zeng

songtian zeng

associate professor, University of Massachusetts Boston
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 21 - 1st fl

11:00am CDT

Systemic Change & Creating Inclusive Early Childhood Public School Programs
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Engaging in lasting, systemic change to create inclusive early childhood programs that embrace ALL learners is a complex process, often riddled with antiquated beliefs about educating students with disabilities. Presenters will discuss accessible classrooms, multi-tiered systems of support, integrating related services, family & community partnerships and sustainability.
avatar for Michele Gardner

Michele Gardner

Executive Director, New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education
avatar for Annie Corley-Hand

Annie Corley-Hand

Director, Leading Innovative Learning Associates
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Chequers - 2nd fl
  Professional Development

11:00am CDT

Examining Equity in the Early Intervention Pipeline: A Scoping Review
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
IDEA (2004) mandates that eligible infants and toddlers with disabilities receive high-quality and non-discriminatory EI services. Yet, the factors that influence children’s and families’ equitable access to the varied steps in the EI pipeline, from referral to transition, are not well known. This presentation shares the results of a scoping review examining such factors.
avatar for Ruby Batz

Ruby Batz

Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Reno
I am a former preschool and special Ed teacher. Currently I research and teach about family engagement in EI/ECSE examining aspects of race/ethnicity, language and disability. I’m interested in improving EI/ECSE systems and working collaboratively with others to do so. 
avatar for Margaret Gillis

Margaret Gillis

Principal Researcher, SRI International
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 19 - 1st fl

1:30pm CDT

Celebrations and Struggles: Aligning IHE Programs with the EI/ECSE Standards **Spotlight Session**
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
The panel, representing a variety of preservice programs, universities, states, age ranges, and state certification models, will briefly describe their programs, discuss the process used to align it with the EI/ECSE Standards as new or revised curricula, and identify celebrations and struggles in their processes.  Both blended and EI/ECSE-only programs will be included. Time will be provided for participant reflection and discussion.


Hailey Love

Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin -Madison

Megan Purcell

Purdue University
avatar for Zhen Chai

Zhen Chai

Professor, California State University, Northridge

Cathy Galyon

Associate Professor, East Tennessee State University
avatar for Amanda Passmore

Amanda Passmore

Assistant Professor, Elmhurst University
Dr. Amanda Passmore (she/her) is an Assistant Professor and Director of Graduate Programs in the School of Education at Elmhurst University. Her research includes topics in teacher leadership related to early childhood special education. Dr. Passmore has experience as an early childhood... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl

1:30pm CDT

Improving Reflection and Practice: EI Competencies
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
This presentation reviews the process and use of EI Competencies designed by stakeholders to support the reflection and practice of Early Intervention professionals in their growth as leaders in EI. The competency areas include family-centered practices, professionalism, evidence- based practice, collaboration and consultation, and administration and supervision.

Kristen Votava

Associate Professor, University of North Dakota
avatar for Roxane Romanick

Roxane Romanick

Self-employed, NA
Roxane Romanick is the Executive Director of Designer Genes of North Dakota.  Roxane's lived experience comes from being the "momager" for Elizabeth who is 24, graduated from college with an associate's in Early Childhood Special Education Paraprofessional, works for ND’s UCED... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Cambridge - 2nd fl

1:30pm CDT

Watch this! The Steps to Intentional Modeling
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Building caregiver confidence and capacity is an essential goal of early intervention. Caregiver coaches make intentional decisions about the level of support provided to caregivers during early intervention visits. Learn how to decide when to use the highest level of scaffolding, intentional modeling, and how to do it effectively.
avatar for Rebekah Norris

Rebekah Norris

Speech-Language Pathologist, Family, Infant & Preschool Program (FIPP)
avatar for Kaitlin Porter

Kaitlin Porter

Physical Therapist, Family, Infant and Preschool Program (FIPP)
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Marlboro B - 2nd fl

1:30pm CDT

Exploring Preschool Data for Insights on Significant Disproportionality
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Explore ways to use IDEA preschool data to tackle significant disproportionality in early childhood education. In this interactive session, presenters help participants navigate the process, with an emphasis on high-quality data and intentional analysis, including special considerations for preschool that empower educators to foster equity and excellence for all students.
avatar for Christina MacDonald

Christina MacDonald

TA Specialist, IDEA Data Center (IDC) and Data Center for Addressing Significant Disproportionality (DCASD)
Christina MacDonald is a TA Provider for the IDEA Data Center (IDC) and the Data Center for Addressing Significant Disproportionality (DCASD) at Westat. A passionate early childhood educator, Ms. MacDonald utilizes her extensive experience engaging diverse stakeholders and sparking... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Prince of Wales - 2nd fl

1:30pm CDT

Strategy Development With Caregivers as the Key to Collaborative Inclusion
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Collaborative consultation stands in contrast to an expert approach, where the specialist makes recommendations with inadequate context. Collaborative inclusion is framed in an equity framework, especially considering the frequent racial, socioeconomic, and educational disparity between specialists and caregivers.
avatar for Robin McWilliam

Robin McWilliam

Professor, The University of Alabama
Developer with colleagues of the Routines-Based Model. Founder and director of the Evidence-based International Early Intervention Office (EIEIO) at The University of Alabama.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
GrandSalon 16 - 1st fl

1:30pm CDT

Address Exclusionary Discipline Using the Behavior Incident Report System
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
In this session, we will demonstrate how programs can use the Behavior Incident Report System to identify if exclusionary discipline is used and identify strategies to address the issue. We will review program-level actions for identifying and addressing the use of exclusionary discipline and the resources that can be used to support their implementation.
avatar for Myrna Veguilla Figueroa

Myrna Veguilla Figueroa

Sr Social & Behavioral Researcher, University of South Florida
avatar for Lise Fox

Lise Fox

professor, USF
avatar for Meghan von der Embse

Meghan von der Embse

Learning and Development Facilitator, University of South Flordida

Denise Perez Binder

Assistant in Research, University of South Florida
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Starboard/Port - Riverside Bldg
  Professional Development

1:30pm CDT

Adapting and Evaluating the FBSApp for Spanish-Speaking Families
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
This presentation will focus on the methods, results, and future implications resulting from a mixed methods study on the adaptation and evaluation of the FBSApp for Spanish-speaking families of young children with challenging behaviors. Attendees will leave with practical methods for adapting and expanding their research and practice for diverse families.
avatar for Claire Winchester

Claire Winchester

Coach, consultant, & researcher, Growth Early Childhood Behavior Coaching
Claire Winchester, Ph.D, BCBA-D is an international early childhood behavior coach, consultant, and researcher with a specialization in supporting the families, teachers, and organizations that support young children. As the founder and operator of Growth Early Childhood Behavior... Read More →
avatar for Erin Barton

Erin Barton

Consultant, Barton Consulting
Erin E. Barton, PhD, BCBA-D, is an international educational consultant and founder of Barton Consulting, LLC and Faculty for the Pyramid Model Consortium. She has worked as a special education teacher and as a university professor, previously at Vanderbilt. She taught graduate-level... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Burgundy - 1st fl

1:30pm CDT

Workload Factors Affecting the Service Coordination Workforce
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Early intervention service coordinators consistently report a need to balance the workload. This session will highlight findings from a large survey and focus groups with early intervention service coordinators about their workloads and how workload factors affect family engagement, coordination of EI services, and their feelings about their jobs.
avatar for Dana Childress

Dana Childress

Dana Childress, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Special Education at Old Dominion University. She has worked in the field of early intervention (EI) for more than 27 years as an educator, service coordinator, supervisor, training facilitator, author, and consultant... Read More →
avatar for Melissa Schnurr

Melissa Schnurr

Iowa Dept. of Education

Margarita Canadas

Catholic University of Valencia
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl

1:30pm CDT

Federal Resources to Support Child Find (OSEP)
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Access to early intervention services is important for all children,  particularly for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families who are traditionally underserved. During this session, resources developed by a federal interagency work group to support child find will be shared. OSEP-funded projects focused on child find will also share lessons learned.
avatar for Jenine Schmidt

Jenine Schmidt

Program Associate, WestEd
Jenine Schmidt is an Early Childhood Program Associate at WestEd. Schmidt holds expertise in early childhood development and culturally responsive pedagogy. Currently, Schmidt is developing early math resources to support professional learning providers throughout California. She... Read More →

Leslie Fox

Director, Early Childhood Intervention, Mental Health & Inclusion, WestEd
avatar for Christy Kavulic

Christy Kavulic

Director, Research to Practice Division, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
Christy Kavulic is the Director of the Research to Practice Division in the Office of Special Education Programs in the US Department of Education. In this position, she oversees the development and management of discretionary grants funded under the Individuals with Disabilities... Read More →
avatar for Mary Beth Bruder

Mary Beth Bruder

Infants & Young Children is an interdisciplinary journal focusing on children with disabilities or at risk for disability age birth to five years and their families. Of special interest are articles involving innovative interventions, summaries of important research developments and... Read More →
avatar for Bethanne Vergean

Bethanne Vergean

CT Learn the SIgns Act Early Ambassador, UCONN UCEDD
Bethanne Vergean provides technical assistance and training for Connecticut’s Early Childhood system. Her work over the past 20 years has been centered on improving developmental monitoring in Connecticut. Through her dedicated advocacy, she has developed strong networking systems... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
GrandSalon 7 - 1st fl

2:45pm CDT

CDC Milestones and ASQ-3 and Other Screening Tools: Illustrating the Differences Between Developmental Surveillance and Screening Tools
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Developmental surveillance and screen are critical components of a monitoring system. In this interactive session we will describe the use of CDC Milestone for surveillance and the ASQ-3 and other screening tools available to identify infants and your children in need of further evaluation.

Amie Lopez

Doctoral Student
avatar for Bethanne Vergean

Bethanne Vergean

CT Learn the SIgns Act Early Ambassador, UCONN UCEDD
Bethanne Vergean provides technical assistance and training for Connecticut’s Early Childhood system. Her work over the past 20 years has been centered on improving developmental monitoring in Connecticut. Through her dedicated advocacy, she has developed strong networking systems... Read More →
avatar for Mary Beth Bruder

Mary Beth Bruder

Infants & Young Children is an interdisciplinary journal focusing on children with disabilities or at risk for disability age birth to five years and their families. Of special interest are articles involving innovative interventions, summaries of important research developments and... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Marlboro B - 2nd fl

2:45pm CDT

Keeping It Real – Skill Versus Participation in Routines
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Enhancing child participation in real-life family routines is a hallmark of EI. Coaching and natural learning environment practices lie at the intersection of practitioner expertise, building caregiver capacity, and targeting families’ real-life interactions. This session is designed to support practitioners in keeping interventions grounded in families’ real lives.
avatar for Kris Everhart

Kris Everhart

Associate Director, FIPP
I am presenting a session at this year's conference titled "What to expect when you are expecting an early intervention provider in your classroom." I work at the Family, Infant and Preschool Program in Morganton, North Carolina. My duties at FIPP include serving as FIPP's associate... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
GrandSalon 16 - 1st fl

2:45pm CDT

Navigating Intra-Family Conflict for Service Coordinators in EI
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Prolonged conflict between parents can be harmful to a child and challenging for service coordinators to work within. This interactive session will introduce the CADRE Early Intervention Service Provider Resource: Navigating Intra-Family Conflict and provide opportunities to discuss strategies such as establishing roles, boundary setting , and de-escalating high emotions.
avatar for Elisabeth Teller

Elisabeth Teller

Part C Family Liaison / Supervision & Monitoring, CT Office of Early Childhood
avatar for Kelly Rauscher

Kelly Rauscher

Learning and Development Specialist, CADRE
Kelly Rauscher provides trainings and TA to support the development and implementation of a full continuum of dispute resolution options. Rauscher specializes in system design and improvement, building local-level capacity, family engagement, and early dispute resolution. She co-leads... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Chequers - 2nd fl

2:45pm CDT

Strategies To Effectively Empower Families in all levels of the Early Childhood Systems
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Fostering strong partnerships between Parent Centers and state partners is crucial for supporting families of students with diverse needs effectively. By sharing successful strategies and collaborative activities, participants can gain valuable insights into building mutually beneficial relationships and enhancing engagement with families.

avatar for Michelle Lewis

Michelle Lewis

Executive Director, Parent Information Center NH

Susan Barlow

Director of Special Projects/Consultant, Parent Network of WNY/SPAN
The Center for Parent Information and Resources is the central “Hub” of information and products created for the network of Parent Centers serving families of children with disabilities
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
GrandSalon 6 - 1st fl

2:45pm CDT

We Hear You Sis: Black Mothers Advocacy in Special Education Process (including Keynote Speakers: Monique Matute-Chavarria & William White)
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
This presentation will discuss the lived experience of three Black mothers navigating the special education process. We will discuss (a) the inequities our children experience and (b) the barriers we navigated to ensure our children receive appropriate services.
avatar for Monique Matute-Chavarria

Monique Matute-Chavarria

Assistant Professor, New Mexico State University
Dr. Monique Matute-Chavarria is an assistant professor of Special Education at New Mexico State University (NMSU). Before obtaining her Ph.D. in Special Education, she worked with Nevada Early Intervention Services, working with children from birth to three with disabilities. Dr... Read More →
avatar for Asia Johnson M.S. BCBA, LBA

Asia Johnson M.S. BCBA, LBA

Founder | BCBA | Executive Advisor, Seizing 611 LLC
As an executive advisor and licensed behavior analyst, I specialize in driving organizational success through strategic behavior analysis and executive coaching. With over eight years of experience in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), I empower leaders and ambitious professionals to... Read More →
avatar for Meridith M. Rose, MS, CCC-SLP

Meridith M. Rose, MS, CCC-SLP

Education of Students with Exceptionalities Doctoral Student and Graduate Research Assistant, Georgia State University
Meridith M. Rose, MS, CCC-SLP is a pediatric speech-language pathologist (SLP) of over 15 years.  Her journey to become an SLP began over 20 years ago following her youngest brother’s diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. She has worked with neurotypical and neurodiverse populations... Read More →
avatar for William White

William White

Dr. William L. White hails from Seattle, WA and holds a PhD in special education from the University of Washington where he received the Gordon C. Lee Dissertation Award for his dissertation entitled “Through Our Eyes: The Lived Experiences of Black Male Early Childhood Teachers... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Eglinton Winton - 2nd fl

2:45pm CDT

Executive Function and Play: Authentic Assessment in Natural Environments
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Executive Functions (EF) refer to neurocognitive processes manifested by sustained attention, working memory, emotional control, and the ability to shift between attributes. The field needs authentic methods of assessing EF in natural early childhood environments. In this topic session, We will discuss how children’s naturally occurring play activities can be evaluated for
avatar for Patricia Blasco

Patricia Blasco

Professor, OHSU
Dr. Patricia M Blasco is a researcher at the Oregon Health & Science University. Her research projects includes a Clinical Feasibility Study of the NIH Baby Toolbox and the Healthy Brain and Child Development Study. She is a former associate editor of Young, Exceptional Children and... Read More →
avatar for Tara Rutter

Tara Rutter

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Tara M. Rutter, PhD, is a T32 postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Psychiatry at Oregon Health & Science University. Her research interests pertain to the study of diagnostic and pre-diagnostic markers of atypical neurodevelopment in the aim to inform interventions.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
GrandSalon 21 - 1st fl

2:45pm CDT

Professional Identity and EI Special Instructors: Who Are We?
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
This session will use recent research and the revised DEC position statement on special instruction to explore the development of shared professional identity. Through lively discussions and reflection on how special instruction is provided and respected in the field, we will consider who we are and what we need to improve our identity as important service providers.
avatar for Dana Childress

Dana Childress

Dana Childress, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Special Education at Old Dominion University. She has worked in the field of early intervention (EI) for more than 27 years as an educator, service coordinator, supervisor, training facilitator, author, and consultant... Read More →
avatar for Teran Frick

Teran Frick

Professional Development Coordinator, Family, Infant & Preschool Program (FIPP)
avatar for Megan Schumaker Murphy

Megan Schumaker Murphy

Assistant Professor, Salem State University
Dr. Megan Schumaker-Murphy is an assistant professor in the McKeown School of Education at Salem State University. Her research interests include early intervention service provision and culturally responsive teaching.
avatar for Stephanie Parks

Stephanie Parks

Assoc Director, Career Pathway, University of Kansas
Dr. Parks is an occupational therapist and associate director of the Kansas Career Pathway for ECCE. She was a faculty member in early childhood education at the University of Kansas prior to joining K-State.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Kabacoff - Riverside Bldg.

2:45pm CDT

Rightful Presence, Realized Potential: Equitable Inclusion and IEP Teams
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
IEP teams have the unique opportunity to foster environments that celebrate each child's competence and that ensure their rightful presence in equitable, inclusive care and education environments. This session supports IEP teams to champion inclusion and belonging through the principles of presumed competence and rightful presence.
avatar for Jackie Joseph

Jackie Joseph

Research Associate Professor, University of Denver
Jackie Joseph is a Research Associate Professor at the University of Denver Positive Early Learning Experiences Center, where her work promotes high-quality inclusion across the early care and education system. She specifically focuses on family partnerships and evidence-based strategies... Read More →
avatar for Alissa Rausch

Alissa Rausch

Faculty, University of Denver
avatar for Erin Barton

Erin Barton

Consultant, Barton Consulting
Erin E. Barton, PhD, BCBA-D, is an international educational consultant and founder of Barton Consulting, LLC and Faculty for the Pyramid Model Consortium. She has worked as a special education teacher and as a university professor, previously at Vanderbilt. She taught graduate-level... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl

2:45pm CDT

Tiny Words, Big Impact: Pronouns and Belonging in Early Childhood
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
During this pronoun training, participants will engage in rich discussions, practical exercises, and learning focused on understanding how small linguistic elements significantly influence the advancement of inclusion in early childhood education and learning outcomes in children. They will take away actual practice handouts to help them achieve pronoun inclusion.
avatar for Shameka Brown

Shameka Brown

Professional Development Specialist, Developmental Therapist, Infant Early Childhood Mental Health, SCB EDUCATIONAL CONSULTIN
avatar for Benton Johnson II

Benton Johnson II

Trainer/Psychotherapist, Illinois Early Intervention Training Program/Ephphatha Consulting Services, Inc.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
GrandSalon 18- 1st fl
  Professional Development

2:45pm CDT

Unlocking Potential: Designing Short Courses Through a Structured Approach
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Learn a structured process for developing short courses as a method of professional development which facilitates practice change in early intervention (EI) practitioners. This integrated approach incorporates reflection, practice and action planning to ensure skill acquisition as well as effective implementation, promoting meaningful interventions in the realm of EI.

Lorelei Pisha

Professional Development Consultant, Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center at VCU
avatar for Lisa Terry

Lisa Terry

Early Intervention Professional Development Consultant, Virginia Commonwealth University/Partnership for People with Disabilities
Lisa provides support for the design and implementation of professional development activities for early intervention providers and administrators in Virginia. She has worked in early intervention for over 15 years as an educator, service coordinator, clinical supervisor, and consultant... Read More →
avatar for Cori Hill

Cori Hill

VEIPD Center Director, Partnership for People with Disabilities at VCU
I oversee VA's early intervention Comprehensive System of Personnel Develop (CSPD). I am passionate about EI, especially family-centered practices, effective implementation, personal/professional biases, and preservice preparation.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Starboard/Port - Riverside Bldg
  Professional Development

2:45pm CDT

We Didn’t Reinvent the Wheel: The EI/ECSE Standards and State Certification Policies **Spotlight Session**
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Both DEC and NAEYC are advocating that states adopt the ECE and EI/ECSE Standards versus developing separate state standards. Representatives from states who have or are in the process of adopting these standards will discuss the process employed, challenges and celebrations experienced, and recommendations for other states. Time will be provided for participant reflection and discussion.

avatar for Peggy Kemp

Peggy Kemp

Executive Director, Division for Early Childhood (DEC)
Welcome! Thank you for attending DEC 2024! Please introduce yourself if we are in sessions together and tell me a bit about your work/dreams for DEC/questions/concerns! - Peggy
avatar for Rashida Banerjee

Rashida Banerjee

Professor, University of Denver
avatar for Kate Ascetta

Kate Ascetta

Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Cambridge - 2nd fl
  Professional Development

2:45pm CDT

Supporting the Practice and wellbeing of Special Educators
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
The purpose of this study was to determine how an intervention package consisting of performance-based feedback plus wellbeing modules supported teacher candidate practice and wellbeing outcomes. We used performance-based feedback plus wellbeing resources to determine special educator outcomes. Researchers will engage participants to discuss implications.
avatar for Christan Coogle

Christan Coogle

Associate Professor, George Mason University
avatar for Heather Walter

Heather Walter

Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Special Education, George Mason University
I partner with education professionals and leaders to support the unique contextual systems in which they work support in leveraging their strengths to make a positive impact in educational settings and to increase overall outcomes of all children and families. I use interdisciplinary... Read More →

Clarissa Wade

PhD Student, George Mason University
avatar for Katherine Szocik

Katherine Szocik

Postdoctoral Associate, Boston University
I am a postdoctoral associate studying special education teachers working conditions.  I am also a member of DEC's personnel preparation committee. I received my PhD from George Mason University in special education teacher preparation with a focus in early childhood. My dissertation... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
GrandSalon 19 - 1st fl

2:45pm CDT

Foundations for Inclusion: Bringing Child Guidance Policies to Life (OSEP)
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
OSEP has been clear in guidance to reduce and eliminate exclusionary discipline practices. NCPMI has created a resource to help leadership teams assess their existing child guidance policies as they move toward this practice. Presenters will share how ECE programs, higher education faculty, leadership, advocates and families can use guidance.
avatar for Lise Fox

Lise Fox

professor, USF
avatar for Camille Catlett

Camille Catlett

Consultant, Camille Catlett
Camille Catlett is a scientist at the University of North Carolina's Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. She has helped over 30 states to organize collaborative professional development efforts that support the full participation of each young child and his or her family... Read More →

Laurie Dinnebeil

Project Director, University of Toledo

Tracie Dickson

Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
GrandSalon 9 - 1st fl

4:00pm CDT

Experienced Parents Supporting Early Intervention
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
This session will share information and activities of the Experienced Program in one state. The program utilizes a parent with personal experience in early intervention to support parents who are currently in early intervention. Learn how the Experienced Parent program supports families through a variety of strategies, one on one support, and family-centered practices.

Kristen Votava

Associate Professor, University of North Dakota
avatar for Roxane Romanick

Roxane Romanick

Self-employed, NA
Roxane Romanick is the Executive Director of Designer Genes of North Dakota.  Roxane's lived experience comes from being the "momager" for Elizabeth who is 24, graduated from college with an associate's in Early Childhood Special Education Paraprofessional, works for ND’s UCED... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 21 - 1st fl

4:00pm CDT

Social-Emotional Linking Approach for Inclusive Programs in South Korea
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT

This study explores a systematic Social-Emotional(SE) linking approach for EC inclusive settings in Seoul, South Korea, over 6 years. Linking components include screening, SE assessment, IEP development, multi-tiered curriculum, and evaluation. The presentation will emphasize research tools, results for children with and without disabilities, and practictial application.

Kay Heo

Professor, Chongshin University



Seoyoung Song

manager, Seocho Women's Family Plaza
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Marlboro B - 2nd fl

4:00pm CDT

Creating a Paradigm Shift in Alberta’s Inclusive Child Care
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Alberta's new Inclusive Child Care program provides equitable services to build educator’s capacity and confidence to include all children. Evidence based coaching supports the implementation of The Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children. GRIT will share their role and reflections in guiding this paradigm shift in Alberta.

Janice Comrie

Inclusive Child Care Manager, GRIT Edmonton
avatar for Julia Moore

Julia Moore

ASaP Manager, The Grit program
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 9 - 1st fl

4:00pm CDT

Equity in A Community of Practice: From Theory to Practice
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
This session will share insights on how to build diverse, equitable Communities of Practice as platforms for professionals to convene, foster learning and problem-solve on a variety of topics. The primary emphasis will be on constructing frameworks and procedures to empower facilitators and participants, creating an accountable environment that enhances collaboration.
avatar for Melanie Reese

Melanie Reese

Senior Technical Assistance Specialist, AnLar
As a Senior Technical Assistance Specialist at AnLar, Melanie is passionate about building systems to support inclusive opportunities for young children with disabilities. She is a skilled facilitator, trainer, and technical assistance provider. She has expertise in early childhood... Read More →
avatar for Nancy Goins

Nancy Goins

Senior Technical Assistance Specialist, AnLar, LLC
avatar for Kathi Gillaspy

Kathi Gillaspy

Director of Technical Assistance, AnLar
Dr. Gillaspy has over 30 years of experience as an early intervention and early childhood special education provider, program administrator, project coordinator, trainer, and technical assistance provider. She currently serves as the Technical Assistance Program Director at AnLar... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl

4:00pm CDT

How to Develop Positive Relationships With Caregivers
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Caregivers, especially families, like (i.e., appreciate) their EI/ECSE professionals, regardless of the quality of their services. Yet professionals sometimes fail to establish the relationships that lead to equitable partnerships with caregivers. This session provides concrete steps to achieve collaborative relationships.
avatar for Robin McWilliam

Robin McWilliam

Professor, The University of Alabama
Developer with colleagues of the Routines-Based Model. Founder and director of the Evidence-based International Early Intervention Office (EIEIO) at The University of Alabama.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 4 - 1st fl

4:00pm CDT

Can Someone Tell Me What “Good” Progress Monitoring Actually Looks Like?
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
There are no established standards or protocols that dictate exactly what “good” progress monitoring should look like in preschool classrooms serving children with individualized and intensive needs. Therefore, we developed, validated, and evaluated a free-to-use online training to support teachers in progress monitoring. This presentation will overview that training.
avatar for Emily Webb

Emily Webb

Graduate Student, Research Assistant, University of Kentucky
avatar for Collin Shepley

Collin Shepley

Associate Professor, University of Kentucky
While I enjoy talking shop (e.g., progress monitoring, MTSS), I'm also a fan of building forts with my kids (or without) and trying not to cry when I watch a Pixar a movie.
avatar for Amanda Duncan

Amanda Duncan

BCBA, Research Assistant, Doctoral Candidate, University of Kentucky
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Starboard/Port - Riverside Bldg
  Professional Development

4:00pm CDT

Iterative Development of Online Professional Development for the COS
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Online professional development is prevalent due to accessibility to a wide range of professionals. We share our journey in using an iterative approach, based in implementation science, and instructional design to the needs of diverse practitioners to develop a multicomponent online course for the Child Outcomes Summary. Lessons learned through discussion will be shared.
avatar for Jacqueline Towson

Jacqueline Towson

Associate Professor, University of Central Florida, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Jacqueline Towson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is an Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders with a joint appointment in the School of Teacher Education at University of Central Florida. She completed her doctorate in 2015 at Georgia... Read More →
avatar for Ashley Y. Grays

Ashley Y. Grays

Doctoral Candidate, University of Central Florida
Ashley Grays is an early childhood education researcher and advocate for equitable learning opportunities. With over 15 years of experience in the field, Ashley has dedicated herself to exploring innovative strategies and evidence-based interventions that can help reduce disparities... Read More →
avatar for Danica Moise, M.A., BCBA.

Danica Moise, M.A., BCBA.

Ph. D Scholar, University of Central Florida
avatar for Katy Green

Katy Green

Interim Department Chair and Associate Professor, University of West Georgia
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 16 - 1st fl
  Professional Development

4:00pm CDT

Lessons Learned: Advocating for Education and Basic Needs in State Policy
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
In this session, we discuss the process of conducting a comprehensive needs assessment for the early childhood ecosystem in Kansas. Participants will recognize arguments for and against equitable policy, craft rationale to promote equitable policy, and identify how to leverage lessons learned in their own advocacy to support positive child and family outcomes.

Chelsea Morgan

Associate Researcher, The University of Kansas Center for Public Partnerships and Research
avatar for Chavis Lickvar-Armstrong

Chavis Lickvar-Armstrong

Associate Researcher, University of Kansas
I am an Associate Researcher at the University of Kansas (KU). My research and dissemination supports state agencies implement their early childhood programs across the state of Kansas, as well as the implementation of Kansas’s PDG B-5 program priorities.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 18- 1st fl
  Professional Development

4:00pm CDT

Pre-natal Drug Exposure and Implication for the Early Interventionist
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Infants born with prenatal drug exposure can present with difficulties in their feeding, neurobehavior and motor development. Intersectionality of growth, early memory formation, functional movement, and neurobehavior will be discussed. Case examples will enhance understanding with emphasis on interprofessional interventions for parental education and interventions.
avatar for Kara Boynewicz

Kara Boynewicz

Associate Professor, East Tennessee State University
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Cambridge - 2nd fl

4:00pm CDT

Wellbeing: Early Childhood Education (Bienestar para la Educación Infantil)
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
This session will share a curriculum that was designed by and for Spanish speaking early childhood educators. The focus is on understanding stress and trauma in both adults and children using a trauma informed lens. Tools to supporting positive well-being of both adults and children will be shared to enhance co-regulation and authentic connection.
avatar for Sara Daniel

Sara Daniel

Executive Director, Daniel Educational Services

Yimma Davila Castro

ECE Manager, Milwaukee Succeeds
avatar for Diana Billstrom

Diana Billstrom

Director of Family Learning and Community Engagement, Bay View Community Center
Experienced Bilingual Director of Family Learning and Community Engagement Leading Transformational Prevention and Early Education ProgramsWith over 7 years of expertise in community engagement, program management, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, I have successfully... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 10 - 1st fl
  Professional Development

4:00pm CDT

Early Childhood Special Education Teachers’ Use of Trauma-Informed Care
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
This project explored how ECSE teachers use trauma-informed care in their classrooms. Participants completed a survey that measured their trauma-informed attitudes and participated in interviews and photo-elicitation to explore their trauma-informed practices. Key findings will be shared, and implications for research and practice will be discussed.

Mia Chudzik

Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Illinois

Catherine Corr

Associate Professor, University of Illinois

Abby Hardy

Doctoral student, University of Illinois
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl
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