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Thursday, September 19

8:00am CDT

Disproportional Child Behavior and Teacher Outcomes in Head Start - Poster 19
Thursday September 19, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am CDT
We examined links among teacher well-being, practice, and child social-emotional outcome in FACES 2014. We found teacher job satisfaction predicted classroom practice but not child outcome. Black children and those with disability were disproportionally reported with higher problem behaviors and lower social skills; Black teachers scored significantly lower by CLASS.

Jun Ai

Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Gospel Kim

Postdoctoral fellow, University of California-Davis, MIND Institute
Thursday September 19, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am CDT
Grand Ballroom A (Exhibits) - 1st fl

9:15am CDT

Exploring Family-Profession Partnerships Through Intersectionality
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am CDT
Research suggests that refugee families and early educators struggle to develop equitable family-professional partnerships in the U.S. This session will address the challenges faced and the support needed by early educators to develop partnerships with refugee families. We will also discuss how their multiple identities influence their partnerships.

Ankita Bhattashali

Education Specialist, Utah State University

Gregory Cheatham

higher ed faculty, University of Kansas
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am CDT
Cambridge - 2nd fl

10:30am CDT

Psychological Safety Considerations for Early Intervention Teaming
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
This session will review the research on psychological safety through the lens of implementation science, including discussion of the characteristics of highly functioning teams, stages of psychological safety, and application to early intervention. Early intervention teaming will be considered through the framework of psychological safety, examining how home visiting and

Kristen Votava

Associate Professor, University of North Dakota
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
GrandSalon 6 - 1st fl

1:00pm CDT

Annual aRPy Ambassador Summit (invite only)
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:00pm - 3:15pm CDT
During this invitation-only session, aRPy Ambassadors will share with one another the ways in which they are promoting and using the DEC RPs. The session will serve as an in-person work time, where questions, ideas and challenges are discussed and documented. This in-person time with the Ambassadors will help guide the planning and delivery of future Ambassador activities.
avatar for Stephanie Moss

Stephanie Moss

Chief Operating Officer, Parent to Parent of Georgia
avatar for Allison Jones

Allison Jones

TA Specialist, ECTA
The ECTA Center supports state IDEA Part C and Part B, Section 619 programs in developing more equitable, effective, and sustainable state and local systems, that support access and full participation for each and every young child with a disability, and their family.
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:00pm - 3:15pm CDT
GrandSalon 9 - 1st fl

2:15pm CDT

"Be Part of" Campaign: Recruiting Early Interventionist
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CDT
Join us to learn more about how to use the Be Part Of video and other materials for early intervention provider and service coordinator recruitment. Materials have been used at the university level for student recruitment and the state and local level for those already in the field. Share ideas on how we might grow this campaign together.
avatar for Chris Guillen

Chris Guillen

Photographer/Producer, Chris Guillen
Chris Guillen is a photographer, producer and creative partner, and brings a unique skill set for the Early Intervention field. He is a husband of 31 years to Early Interventionist Chelsea Guillen, who ran an EI program for 12+ years and who is currently the EI Ombudsman for the state... Read More →
avatar for Peggy Kemp

Peggy Kemp

Executive Director, Division for Early Childhood (DEC)
Welcome! Thank you for attending DEC 2024! Please introduce yourself if we are in sessions together and tell me a bit about your work/dreams for DEC/questions/concerns! - Peggy
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CDT
Burgundy - 1st fl
  DEC Sponsored
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