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GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl clear filter
Tuesday, September 17

9:00am CDT

Supporting the Traumatized Child in Early Learning Settings *Early Learning Session*
Tuesday September 17, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm CDT
**Early Learning Session are an additional cost.**
Trauma in early childhood can be especially harmful, leading to serious mental health problems.  EI/ECSE providers serve an important role in overcoming the negative impact of early trauma.  This workshop will explore the impact of early trauma on development and how to best support young children with these complex emotional needs within the early childhood settings.   
avatar for Kimberly Blair, PhD

Kimberly Blair, PhD

Program Director, Child and Adolescent Trauma Services (CATS) Outpatient Program, UPMC Theiss Center for Child & Adolescent Trauma

Teri Dawn Pentz

Clinical Training Supervisor, Theiss Center for Child and Adolescent Trauma
Tuesday September 17, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl

1:00pm CDT

Using Personas to Support Culturally Relevant and Recommended Practices *Early Learning Session*
Tuesday September 17, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm CDT
**Early Learning Session are an additional cost.**

This session will highlight how faculty and PD providers can use personas to enhance the use of recommended practices.  Presenters will share examples and promote understanding of how personas can promote engaging and authentic learning that supports diverse children and families. Access to personas and guidance on developing your own will be included.
avatar for Camille Catlett

Camille Catlett

Consultant, Camille Catlett
Camille Catlett is a scientist at the University of North Carolina's Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. She has helped over 30 states to organize collaborative professional development efforts that support the full participation of each young child and his or her family... Read More →
avatar for LaShorage Shaffer

LaShorage Shaffer

Associate Professor, University of Michigan-Dearborn
avatar for Toni Miguel

Toni Miguel

Consultant, Early Intervention Technical Assistance
I am technical assistance consultant with Pennsylvania Early Intervention Technical Assistance. I work on inclusion, social emotional, and family engagement initiatives throughout the state. I am also the chair of the DEC Family Committee and the parent of two young children who have... Read More →
Tuesday September 17, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl
Wednesday, September 18

11:00am CDT

Community-Engaged Research: Cultivating Meaningful Researcher-Practitioner
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Community-engaged research (CER) involves collaboration between researchers and community members, and emphasizes mutual respect, shared decision-making, and the integration of community perspectives into research design, implementation, and dissemination. Participants will learn about CER and gain practical strategies for engaging meaningfully in research partnerships.

Alana Schnitz

Assistant Research Professor/ Assistant Professor, Juniper Gardens Children's Project/ University of Kansas Department of Special Education

Kathryn Bigelow

Associate Research Professor, Juniper Gardens Children's Project, University of Kansas
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl

12:00pm CDT

Program Review Committee Meeting (invite only)
Wednesday September 18, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm CDT
avatar for Jennifer Buchter

Jennifer Buchter

professor, Eatern Illinois University
Wednesday September 18, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl

1:30pm CDT

Workload Factors Affecting the Service Coordination Workforce
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Early intervention service coordinators consistently report a need to balance the workload. This session will highlight findings from a large survey and focus groups with early intervention service coordinators about their workloads and how workload factors affect family engagement, coordination of EI services, and their feelings about their jobs.
avatar for Dana Childress

Dana Childress

Dana Childress, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Special Education at Old Dominion University. She has worked in the field of early intervention (EI) for more than 27 years as an educator, service coordinator, supervisor, training facilitator, author, and consultant... Read More →
avatar for Melissa Schnurr

Melissa Schnurr

Iowa Dept. of Education

Margarita Canadas

Catholic University of Valencia
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl

2:45pm CDT

Collaboration and Teaming in Early Childhood Personnel Preparation
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
To address the critical need of preparing high quality professionals to collaboratively serve young children with disabilities and their families, session presenters will share their unique experience from three institutions and strategies in developing and implementing an interdisciplinary Master’s level personnel training program.

Ching-I Chen

Associate Professor, Kent State University
avatar for Zhen Chai

Zhen Chai

Professor, California State University, Northridge
avatar for Serra Acar

Serra Acar

Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Dr. Acar is an associate professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her research includes culturally and linguistically responsive assessment practices in early intervention/early childhood special education.

Kizzy Albritton

Associate Professor, The University of Texas at Austin
avatar for Debbi Berry Malmberg

Debbi Berry Malmberg

California State University, Northridge
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl
  Professional Development

4:00pm CDT

Equity in A Community of Practice: From Theory to Practice
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
This session will share insights on how to build diverse, equitable Communities of Practice as platforms for professionals to convene, foster learning and problem-solve on a variety of topics. The primary emphasis will be on constructing frameworks and procedures to empower facilitators and participants, creating an accountable environment that enhances collaboration.
avatar for Melanie Reese

Melanie Reese

Senior Technical Assistance Specialist, AnLar
As a Senior Technical Assistance Specialist at AnLar, Melanie is passionate about building systems to support inclusive opportunities for young children with disabilities. She is a skilled facilitator, trainer, and technical assistance provider. She has expertise in early childhood... Read More →
avatar for Nancy Goins

Nancy Goins

Senior Technical Assistance Specialist, AnLar, LLC
avatar for Kathi Gillaspy

Kathi Gillaspy

Director of Technical Assistance, AnLar
Dr. Gillaspy has over 30 years of experience as an early intervention and early childhood special education provider, program administrator, project coordinator, trainer, and technical assistance provider. She currently serves as the Technical Assistance Program Director at AnLar... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl
Thursday, September 19

9:15am CDT

OER for Access, Equity, and Quality in Personnel Preparation
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am CDT
This session will provide an overview of the adoption and adaptation of Open Educational Resources (OER) for courses in three personnel preparation programs in different institutions. Examples of course materials and assignments will be shared.
avatar for Serra Acar

Serra Acar

Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Dr. Acar is an associate professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her research includes culturally and linguistically responsive assessment practices in early intervention/early childhood special education.

Ching-I Chen

Associate Professor, Kent State University
avatar for Zhen Chai

Zhen Chai

Professor, California State University, Northridge
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl
  Professional Development

10:30am CDT

Partnering with Immigrant Families for Promoting Social Emotional Learning
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
Early Childhood Education (ECE) practitioners must partner with families to promote early Social Emotional Learning (SEL). With the increasing number of immigrant families in the U.S., practitioners need more guidance for partnering with immigrant families. This session will provide strategies for promoting SEL with immigrant families of children with disabilities.

Gounah Choi

Lecturer, University of Oregon

Kathryn Bigelow

Associate Research Professor, Juniper Gardens Children's Project, University of Kansas
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl

1:00pm CDT

Crafting Slam Style Stories
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:00pm - 3:15pm CDT
StorySlams - events where tellers perform short 5 minutes stories on a theme, live with no notes - are enjoying huge popularity. We use stories everyday in our advocacy as parents, family, teachers, service providers. Painting a picture for medical professionals, legislators, decisionmakers can often shift perspectives, leading to important conversations and great strides.

In this workshop we’ll discuss slam story format, generate compelling stories using writing prompts, get tips for live performance and discuss ways to use in our advocacy. Participants will also have the opportunity to share in front of the group.
avatar for Bethany Van Delft

Bethany Van Delft

Bethany Van Delft is a stand up comedian, actress, and writer. Born in the Bronx and raised up in Boston, Bethany’s unique point of view is a product of her upbringing and quirky observations, combining a grounded storytelling delivery with her quietly hysterical alternate universe... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:00pm - 3:15pm CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl

3:30pm CDT

Meaningful Inclusion in Early Childhood Through Community Partnerships
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
Presenters will describe one suburban school district’s drive to provide meaningful inclusion for 3- and 4-year-olds with disabilities as a part of their early learning equity strategy. Participants will learn how preschool playgroups can be used in partnership with Community Schools to offer inclusive early learning opportunities to 3- and 4-year-olds.
avatar for Kristen Witzling

Kristen Witzling

Student, UW-Madison
avatar for Rebecca Penticoff

Rebecca Penticoff

Early Childhood Special Education Teacher & Coordinator, Sun Prairie Area School District
Passionate advocate for inclusion, belonging and culturally responsive educational practices. Early childhood educator and leader in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. I began my career in Northern Virginia and my current role in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, allows me to work across early learning... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl
Friday, September 20

9:00am CDT

Digging into Child Outcomes: Data Use at the Local Level
Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CDT
Many state and local districts struggle to analyze and use child outcomes data to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of program improvements. Come and learn how to facilitate effective data use at the local level. See how district and state staff in California use the results of the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) (2015) assessment tool to make change at
avatar for Elizabeth Schroeder

Elizabeth Schroeder

Project Director, Desired Results Access Project
avatar for Kellen Reid

Kellen Reid

National TA Provider, Research Investigator, ECTA, DaSy, STEMIE
Kellen Reid, MD MPH is a senior researcher scientist and technical assistance (TA) provider at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Reid’s training as a physician and in public health provide a unique fund of... Read More →
avatar for Nicholas Ortiz

Nicholas Ortiz

TA Specialist, DaSy & ECTA Centers, SRI International
Ortiz is a national TA provider with the DaSy Center and ECTA Center. In this role, he supports state Part C and Part B 619 teams with the child outcomes indicators in their annual performance reports to the Office of Special Education Programs. He also facilitates learning communities... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl

10:15am CDT

Family Centered Intervention: Greece - The Theotokos Foundation Pilot
Friday September 20, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
The Theotokos Foundation participated as a pilot site for the ECI Project Greece organized by the Greek Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. The aim was to improve the availability of quality ECI services in Greece, through the development of contemporary, evidence-based Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) models and systems in Greece.
avatar for Ioanna Karavaggeli

Ioanna Karavaggeli

Speech and Language Therapist, Theotokos Foundation
Ioanna Karavangeli is a highly experienced speech and language therapist with a robust educational and professional background. She completed her undergraduate studies in 2001 at the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy, and Psychology at the Kapodistrian University of Athens. Following... Read More →
avatar for Mirella Giannakopoulou

Mirella Giannakopoulou

Head of Early Intervention and Pre-Vocational Training Departments, Theotokos Foundation
Friday September 20, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl

12:00pm CDT

Connecting to our Work: Transformational Reflective Practice as Liberation
Friday September 20, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT
This experiential workshop will explore the intersection of reflective practice and burnout, transforming our work practices and liberating us from the frenzy of burnout. Participants will engage in activities that will explore reflective practice as an organizational transformative tool for community care to improve services to young children and families.
avatar for Desiree Yoro Yoo

Desiree Yoro Yoo

Early Childhood Equity Infant Mental Health Workforce Specialist, WestEd
Desiree Yoro Yoo is the eldest child of Filipino immigrants and has 2 children with her husband who she has been friends with since high school. Desiree was fortunate to have been raised alongside her cousins and has fond memories of spending time with them after school every day... Read More →
avatar for Rosanne Carter

Rosanne Carter

Consultant/IECMH Therapist, Kavana Consulting

Alicia Martinez

Five Social-Emotional Wellbeing Lead, King County
Friday September 20, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl

1:15pm CDT

Exploring Professional Identity in Teacher Preparation
Friday September 20, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CDT
What aspects are part of an educator’s professional identity? How do the personal and professional aspects of the job intersect in varying ways for different individuals? During this session, participants will hear about a qualitative study on professional identity and have the opportunity to reflect on their own.
avatar for Katherine Szocik

Katherine Szocik

Postdoctoral Associate, Boston University
I am a postdoctoral associate studying special education teachers working conditions.  I am also a member of DEC's personnel preparation committee. I received my PhD from George Mason University in special education teacher preparation with a focus in early childhood. My dissertation... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CDT
GrandSalon 15 - 1st fl
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