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GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl clear filter
Wednesday, September 18

11:00am CDT

Introduction to the Early Childhood Recommended Practices Modules
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
If your work involves educating students or practitioners in how to provide inclusive individualized supports to children with disabilities; equitably partnering with families, or ways to team and collaborate, this session will introduce free multimedia modules, aligned to the DEC RPs. Presenters will share their experiences using the modules to support adult learners.
avatar for Allison Jones

Allison Jones

TA Specialist, ECTA
The ECTA Center supports state IDEA Part C and Part B, Section 619 programs in developing more equitable, effective, and sustainable state and local systems, that support access and full participation for each and every young child with a disability, and their family.
avatar for Bethanne Vergean

Bethanne Vergean

CT Learn the SIgns Act Early Ambassador, UCONN UCEDD
Bethanne Vergean provides technical assistance and training for Connecticut’s Early Childhood system. Her work over the past 20 years has been centered on improving developmental monitoring in Connecticut. Through her dedicated advocacy, she has developed strong networking systems... Read More →

Elizabeth Beavers

University of Houston-Clear Lake

Kristen Votava

Associate Professor, University of North Dakota
avatar for Karen Lange

Karen Lange

Doctoral Student, University of Arkansas
Education is the experience of my life and becoming an educator began in my childhood as the daughter of two amazing educators who taught me the beauty of being a teacher. Taking an unusual path to special education, I have experience in elementary education, early childhood special... Read More →
avatar for Kristen Paul

Kristen Paul

Director of Early Childhood Programs, The Parents' Place of Maryland
Kristen Paul has devoted over two decades to various roles serving children and their families; her career has included work as a science teacher, Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow at NASA, STEM Coordinator at Salisbury University, and family support for Birth to Five... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl
  Professional Development

1:30pm CDT

Now What? Bringing the Racial Equity Point of View to Life
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Have you read the racial equity point of view (POV) and need help getting started applying it to your work? Join us as we make the racial equity POV meaningful to your work through reflection, a commitment to discomfort, and unpacking our relationship to racism and ableism.

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avatar for Robyn DiPietro

Robyn DiPietro

Asst. Project Director, OneOp-University of Illinois at Urbana-Chamapaign
avatar for Megan Vinh

Megan Vinh

Co-Director, ECTA and STEMIE Centers
avatar for Jocelyn Ruffin

Jocelyn Ruffin

Teaching Faculty, East Carolina University
avatar for Courtney O'Grady

Courtney O'Grady

Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama
avatar for Ruby Batz

Ruby Batz

Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Reno
I am a former preschool and special Ed teacher. Currently I research and teach about family engagement in EI/ECSE examining aspects of race/ethnicity, language and disability. I’m interested in improving EI/ECSE systems and working collaboratively with others to do so. 
avatar for Amy Szarkowski

Amy Szarkowski

Researcher, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston
I am a psychologist, passionate about supporting families and their young children who are deaf or hard of hearing and/or have communication challenges. Ask me about family-centered early intervention (FCEI), parent-child interaction, social-emotional development in deaf children... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl

2:45pm CDT

Now What? Part Two: Coaching Others to Use the Racial Equity POV
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Joint Committee Session

In this joint session offered by IESJ and PPC, we will continue the conversation of “now what?” to begin applying and implementing the Racial Equity Point of View, focused on how to coach and support others as we reckon and reflect on the changes we need to make and how to hold ourselves accountable. The session will include time for community building and action planning.
avatar for Christine Spence

Christine Spence

Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
avatar for Katherine Szocik

Katherine Szocik

Postdoctoral Associate, Boston University
I am a postdoctoral associate studying special education teachers working conditions.  I am also a member of DEC's personnel preparation committee. I received my PhD from George Mason University in special education teacher preparation with a focus in early childhood. My dissertation... Read More →
avatar for Jocelyn Ruffin

Jocelyn Ruffin

Teaching Faculty, East Carolina University
avatar for Sarah Wiegand

Sarah Wiegand

Assistant Professor of Early Childhood and Special Education, New Mexico State University
I am an assistant professor of special education and early childhood education at New Mexico State University. I am a former Part C early intervention provider and autism resource specialist. My research centers around improving policies/practices in Part C and autism. I am a member... Read More →
avatar for Courtney O'Grady

Courtney O'Grady

Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl

4:00pm CDT

Using ECE and EI/ECSE Standards to Support Blended Preparation Programs
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Join the Personnel Preparation Committee (PPC) to discuss blended ECE/ECSE preparation programs. We will be sharing information and a graphic to highlight the relationship between the NAEYC and CEC/DEC Standards. We also want to hear from you: What is working and not working in your state with blended programs? How can PPC help you? What resources would be beneficial?  

avatar for Shawna Harbin

Shawna Harbin

Clinical Assistant Professor, Purdue University
avatar for Christine Spence

Christine Spence

Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University

Alina Mihai

Associate Professor of Education, Indiana University Kokomo
avatar for Heather Walter

Heather Walter

Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Special Education, George Mason University
I partner with education professionals and leaders to support the unique contextual systems in which they work support in leveraging their strengths to make a positive impact in educational settings and to increase overall outcomes of all children and families. I use interdisciplinary... Read More →
avatar for Ann Mickelson

Ann Mickelson

Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
avatar for Amanda Duncan

Amanda Duncan

BCBA, Research Assistant, Doctoral Candidate, University of Kentucky
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl
Thursday, September 19

9:15am CDT

The Role of Digital Communication in Building Family-Educator Partnerships
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am CDT
This study examined how digital and non-digital communication shapes partnerships among educators and family caregivers and promotes family engagement that supports the development of children (aged 18 months to 6 years) with disabilities.  The presentation will provide insights from teachers, therapists, and parents about practices that best support trusting partnerships.
avatar for Sue Anderson

Sue Anderson

Associate Professor, Texas Christian University
I am a professor with degrees in both special education and educational technology. I have taught educational technology and special education courses to preservice teachers in Texas. I am currently researching the use of technology in special education settings. Before pursuing a... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am CDT
GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl

10:30am CDT

Authentic Assessment Practices to Support Child Development
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
Have you ever wondered how professionals use the DEC Recommended Practices to observe and assess young children? What do different disciplines in early childhood settings have in common when it comes to assessment, and how are they different? These questions and more are explored in this session.
avatar for Marisa Macy

Marisa Macy

Professor, University of Wyoming
Dr. Marisa Macy is full professor and holds the John P. Ellbogen Foundation Professorship of Early Childhood Education at the University of Wyoming. Macy has more than 25 years of experience as an educator. Macy, a Seattle native, earned a bachelor’s degree in English at the University... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl

1:00pm CDT

Connecting the Dots! Collaborating as a Cross-Sector State Leadership Team
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm CDT
Join this session to learn tools and strategies to support the capacity of cross-sector state leadership teams to implement an early childhood multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) to improve the social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes of young children with, and at risk for developmental disabilities or delays.
avatar for Beth Vorhaus

Beth Vorhaus

Education Consultant, Vanderbilt
avatar for Ashley MacNish

Ashley MacNish

Educational Consultant, Vanderbilt University
avatar for Kerri Wikel

Kerri Wikel

Program Director, Team for Early Childhood Solutions (TECS)
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl

2:15pm CDT

Fostering Dignity and Equality for Every Child
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CDT
We will guide participants through what it means to know that respecting the dignity and worth of all children is a fundamental commitment that goes beyond ethical considerations. We will provide specific strategies for supporting the dignity of children with disabilities or children who might have disabilities and their families within early childhood programs.
avatar for Erin Barton

Erin Barton

Consultant, Barton Consulting
Erin E. Barton, PhD, BCBA-D, is an international educational consultant and founder of Barton Consulting, LLC and Faculty for the Pyramid Model Consortium. She has worked as a special education teacher and as a university professor, previously at Vanderbilt. She taught graduate-level... Read More →
avatar for Claire Winchester

Claire Winchester

Coach, consultant, & researcher, Growth Early Childhood Behavior Coaching
Claire Winchester, Ph.D, BCBA-D is an international early childhood behavior coach, consultant, and researcher with a specialization in supporting the families, teachers, and organizations that support young children. As the founder and operator of Growth Early Childhood Behavior... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CDT
GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl

3:30pm CDT

International Perspectives on Supporting Young Children with Disabilities
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
In this presentation, professionals from Spain and the U.S. will describe their work in improving the quality of services to young children with disabilities and their families. Through research, training, mentoring, and coaching, the group has influenced the implementation of recommended practices throughout Spain, and Central/South America.
avatar for Jennifer Grisham

Jennifer Grisham

Professor, University of Kentucky
Jennifer Grisham, Ed.D., is Professor in the Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education program at the University of Kentucky, Lexington. She received her doctorate in Education from the University of Kentucky. She is also Faculty Director of the Early Childhood Laboratory at the... Read More →

Margarita Canadas

Catholic University of Valencia


Ocupathional Therapy, Early Childhood Center


Special Teacher, Early Childhood Capacitas

Cecilia Simón

Associate Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl
Friday, September 20

9:00am CDT

Building Socially-Emotionally Cognizant Learners Through Constructive Play
Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CDT
Constructive play is a critical aspect of early childhood development. It offers a platform for children to engage with their environment, peers, and emotions. This research explores the significance of constructive play and how it builds social-emotional awareness among young students. The focus is on how play activities contribute to holistic development of children.
avatar for Crystal Foles

Crystal Foles

professor/educator, The Nurture School
Crystal Foles is a seasoned educational leader with 16 years of experience in both public and private sectors. With a doctorate in special education, a specialist degree in curriculum and instruction, and masters degrees in secondary education and gifted education, Crystal is a highly... Read More →
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Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CDT
GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl
  Professional Development

10:15am CDT

Friday September 20, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
Friday September 20, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl

12:00pm CDT

Addressing School Readiness in Early Intervention: Family and Practitioner
Friday September 20, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT
This session examines the school readiness perspectives of EI practitioners and families of children with disabilities receiving early intervention services. Through surveys and interviews following online PD, and family focus groups examining family practices around pre-academic activities, perceptions of school readiness resulted in need for strong family collaboration.
avatar for James Young

James Young

Project Administrator, Johns Hopkins University

Cecilia Leger

Program Manager, Early Intervention Projects, Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education
avatar for Koryne Nnoli

Koryne Nnoli

Assistant Professor, Morgan State University

Beth Boyle

Faculty, Johns Hopkins University
Friday September 20, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT
GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl

1:15pm CDT

A Statewide, Multi-Faceted Approach to Inclusion in All Communities
Friday September 20, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CDT
Ohio will present on its multi-faceted approach to increasing access, participation and meaningful inclusion in early care and education settings. Ohio PROMISE brings together supports for families, professionals, regional supports and programs to dispel myths, increase confidence and competence, and remove barriers to inclusion for children with disabilities.

Laura Maddox

Program Director, OCALI

Wendy Grove

Senior Advisor, Ohio Dept. of Children and Youth
Friday September 20, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CDT
GrandSalon 24 - 1st fl
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