Marlboro A - 2nd fl clear filter
Tuesday, September 17

9:00am CDT

DEC Foundation Series: Elevating Service Coordination - Exploring Ways to Prepare, Empower, and Retain Service Coordinators *included in the cost of conference*
Tuesday September 17, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Included in the cost of conference....

Calling all leaders who prepare and support service coordinators! Join us for a pre-conference session focused on ways to elevate equitable training, preparation, and retention of service coordinators in early intervention. Bring your favorite tools/resources to share and be ready to discuss strengths, challenges, and ideas to prepare, recruit, train, and retain service coordinators who provide high quality support to children and families.  Participants will gain new tools, ideas and resources to apply in their state/program AND be part of DEC’s efforts to recognize service coordinators as important professionals through ongoing professional development and a future service coordination certificate program.
avatar for Sarah Nichols

Sarah Nichols

Professional Development Specialist, Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois
Professional Development Specialist, Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois.  Passionate about all things service coordination, Communities of Practice (CoPs), and evidence-informed professional development.  Special interests also include leadership development... Read More →
avatar for Dana Childress

Dana Childress

Dana Childress, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Special Education at Old Dominion University. She has worked in the field of early intervention (EI) for more than 27 years as an educator, service coordinator, supervisor, training facilitator, author, and consultant... Read More →
Tuesday September 17, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl

1:00pm CDT

Is This Child Just Shy? Or Could It Be Selective Mutism? *Early Learning Session*
Tuesday September 17, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm CDT
**Early Learning Session are an additional cost.**

Selectively Mute (SM) children fail to speak in some settings while having no problem speaking in other settings. It is often incorrectly assumed to be extreme shyness, defiance, trauma-response, poor parenting, or autism spectrum. This presentation will give participants clear understanding of the disorder and offer techniques to help effectively support students with SM.
Tuesday September 17, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl
Wednesday, September 18

11:00am CDT

The Bridge to Civility 2.0: Continuing the Conversation
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Our work is based on grounded theory. We continue to observe many examples of disrespect as the norm of behavior. We need to shift direction from disrespect to civility. Through guiding questions, discussions, and experiences of the participants, we will expand our model. The intent is to expand the civility model frame through participants’ perspectives.
avatar for Suzanne Martin

Suzanne Martin

Professor emerita, University of Central Florida
Recently retired and getting back to my roots in early childhood.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl

1:30pm CDT

Celebrations and Struggles: Aligning IHE Programs with the EI/ECSE Standards **Spotlight Session**
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
The panel, representing a variety of preservice programs, universities, states, age ranges, and state certification models, will briefly describe their programs, discuss the process used to align it with the EI/ECSE Standards as new or revised curricula, and identify celebrations and struggles in their processes.  Both blended and EI/ECSE-only programs will be included. Time will be provided for participant reflection and discussion.


Hailey Love

Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin -Madison

Megan Purcell

Purdue University
avatar for Zhen Chai

Zhen Chai

Professor, California State University, Northridge

Cathy Galyon

Associate Professor, East Tennessee State University
avatar for Amanda Passmore

Amanda Passmore

Assistant Professor, Elmhurst University
Dr. Amanda Passmore (she/her) is an Assistant Professor and Director of Graduate Programs in the School of Education at Elmhurst University. Her research includes topics in teacher leadership related to early childhood special education. Dr. Passmore has experience as an early childhood... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl

2:45pm CDT

Rightful Presence, Realized Potential: Equitable Inclusion and IEP Teams
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
IEP teams have the unique opportunity to foster environments that celebrate each child's competence and that ensure their rightful presence in equitable, inclusive care and education environments. This session supports IEP teams to champion inclusion and belonging through the principles of presumed competence and rightful presence.
avatar for Jackie Joseph

Jackie Joseph

Research Associate Professor, University of Denver
Jackie Joseph is a Research Associate Professor at the University of Denver Positive Early Learning Experiences Center, where her work promotes high-quality inclusion across the early care and education system. She specifically focuses on family partnerships and evidence-based strategies... Read More →
avatar for Alissa Rausch

Alissa Rausch

Faculty, University of Denver
avatar for Erin Barton

Erin Barton

Consultant, Barton Consulting
Erin E. Barton, PhD, BCBA-D, is an international educational consultant and founder of Barton Consulting, LLC and Faculty for the Pyramid Model Consortium. She has worked as a special education teacher and as a university professor, previously at Vanderbilt. She taught graduate-level... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl

4:00pm CDT

Early Childhood Special Education Teachers’ Use of Trauma-Informed Care
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
This project explored how ECSE teachers use trauma-informed care in their classrooms. Participants completed a survey that measured their trauma-informed attitudes and participated in interviews and photo-elicitation to explore their trauma-informed practices. Key findings will be shared, and implications for research and practice will be discussed.

Mia Chudzik

Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Illinois

Catherine Corr

Associate Professor, University of Illinois

Abby Hardy

Doctoral student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl
Thursday, September 19

9:15am CDT

Virtual Case-Based PD Approach on Assessment Data & Intervention Strategies
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am CDT
Session covers the design of an online case-based, professional development model to support early interventionists in using authentic assessment data to support the identification of priority skills & develop embedded instructional strategies. We will review the Project ECHO model, the design of the cases & session tools, and highlight key data from participant surveys
avatar for Jen Brown

Jen Brown

Education Consultant, University of New Mexico
Professional development and technical assistance provider for New Mexico's Part C program with 25+ years experience in EI/ECSE.
avatar for Jennifer Grisham

Jennifer Grisham

Professor, University of Kentucky
Jennifer Grisham, Ed.D., is Professor in the Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education program at the University of Kentucky, Lexington. She received her doctorate in Education from the University of Kentucky. She is also Faculty Director of the Early Childhood Laboratory at the... Read More →
avatar for Leah Davidson

Leah Davidson

Part C Coordinator, NM ECECD
I have been working in Part C in New Mexico since December of 2020. I started my career in Early Intervention in January of 2009 in Virginia, where I worked until 2019 when my family and I relocated to New Mexico. Please feel free to talk to me about what it is like to have experienced... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl
  Professional Development

10:30am CDT

Introduction to the DEC Recommended Practices and Support Tools
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
This session will explore how the DEC Recommended Practices can be used to support access and meaningful participation for children with disabilities and their families. The Recommended Practices and associated ECTA Practice Improvement tools range from teaming and collaborating on a child’s IFSP/IEP team, to ways in which a family can be involved in their child’s assessment. This session will provide a more in-depth understanding of the Recommended Practices and how they can be used to support both families and practitioners. Participants will have opportunities to try out the practices individually and within small groups using realistic scenarios. There will be opportunities for participants to engage with Ambassadors of the Recommended Practices and learn ways in which they have used practices in a variety of settings with diverse audiences. Participants will be supported in examining how they can use the practices and tools to support child access and meaningful participation within everyday activities and routines, alongside peers. They will leave this session with ideas and free online resources to support children.
avatar for Allison Jones

Allison Jones

TA Specialist, ECTA
The ECTA Center supports state IDEA Part C and Part B, Section 619 programs in developing more equitable, effective, and sustainable state and local systems, that support access and full participation for each and every young child with a disability, and their family.
avatar for Stephanie Moss

Stephanie Moss

Chief Operating Officer, Parent to Parent of Georgia
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl

1:00pm CDT

Do Service Coordinators Coach?
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm CDT
Caregiver coaching is not just for providers. It's a capacity-building interaction style that can help build sustainable change when used by Service Coordinators. Apply evidence-based coaching to family support interactions to increase focus on family-identified priorities, prioritize the family’s, and improve family outcomes and well-being.

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avatar for Sarah Sexton

Sarah Sexton

Director, Family, Infant and Preschool Program (FIPP)
avatar for Andrea Matias-Lemoine

Andrea Matias-Lemoine

Senior Case Coordinator, Mecklenburg County Children's Developmental Services Agency (CDSA)
As a passionate service coordinator, I am dedicated to empowering each parent to advocate for their children. I believe in the power of collaboration, and I am committed to supporting families every step of the way to ensure their children receive the care and resources they dese... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl

2:15pm CDT

Partnering with Parents to Provide the ‘Just Right’ Support
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CDT
Service coordinators can use caregiver coaching to help families think about the outcomes that best match their family’s culture, priorities, and values and make informed decisions about the amount and frequency of services. More isn’t always better. Gain a parent perspective on receiving coaching support to advocate for what they need during the IFSP process.

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avatar for Lindsey Moss

Lindsey Moss

Case Management Supervisor, Mecklenburg County Public Health

Tina Grove

Child Developmental Specialist, Mecklenburg County Children's Dev Sevs Agency
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl

3:30pm CDT

Making Informed Transition Decisions: Service Coordinators Who Coach
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
The transition out of the Part C early intervention services is an important time for service coordinators to use a capacity-building approach to support families with making informed decisions. Service Coordinators can empower families as they prepare them for next steps after Part C.
avatar for Sheena Jennings

Sheena Jennings

Early Intervention Supervisor / Ph.D. Student / Adjunct Instructor, Mecklenburg County CDSA / UNC Charlotte
avatar for Kristen Gunnoud

Kristen Gunnoud

Senior Case Coordinator, Mecklenburg County CDSA
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl
Friday, September 20

9:00am CDT

Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CDT
Please bring your coffee/beverage and join the DEC Executive Board & the DEC Executive Director for an informal chat about what is happening at DEC! Bring your ideas, your dreams, your questions, your challenges . We want to hear what it "looks like" in your family//program/school/university/agency and how DEC might support with national/international practice and policy solutions. We especially want to hear from families and practitioners as we elevate your voice alongside higher education faculty, researchers, administrators, policy makers, students at undergraduate and graduate level and advocates!
avatar for Peggy Kemp

Peggy Kemp

Executive Director, Division for Early Childhood (DEC)
Welcome! Thank you for attending DEC 2024! Please introduce yourself if we are in sessions together and tell me a bit about your work/dreams for DEC/questions/concerns! - Peggy
Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl

10:15am CDT

Using Part C Exit Data to Understand the Experiences of Families of Color
Friday September 20, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
Children and families from marginalized backgrounds face many disparities in early intervention (EI) services. Analysis of Section 618 exit data by exit reason and across racial/ethnic categories can provide insight into the reasons historically marginalized families exit and transition EI programs. In this session we discuss implications for Child Find and transitions.
avatar for Evandra Catherine

Evandra Catherine

Director of Disability and Mental Health Policy, Children's Equity Project
Friday September 20, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl

12:00pm CDT

How Neurodiversity Creates Language Diversity
Friday September 20, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT
Many myths exist about language development in autistic children, myths about milestones, prognosis and treatment. Participants will review the research to decipher neuromyths from neurotruths. Participants will learn how that research should be guiding the conversation on how best to support early language development.
Friday September 20, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl

1:15pm CDT

Monitor Child Progress with An Activity Matrix and Goal Attainment Scaling
Friday September 20, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CDT
Monitoring a child's progress toward IEP goals is important for documenting skill acquisition and determining if interventions are effective. This presentation introduces using an activity matrix and Goal Attainment Scaling for progress monitoring while meeting the individual needs of children with disabilities. Strategies, applications, and resources will be shared.
avatar for Zhen Chai

Zhen Chai

Professor, California State University, Northridge

Ching-I Chen

Associate Professor, Kent State University
avatar for Serra Acar

Serra Acar

Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Dr. Acar is an associate professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her research includes culturally and linguistically responsive assessment practices in early intervention/early childhood special education.
Friday September 20, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CDT
Marlboro A - 2nd fl
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